Edward Burne-Jones, Margaret Burne-Jones (1885-1886).
«Nothing in the whole circle of human vanities takes stronger hold of the imagination than this affair of having a portrait painted. Yet why should it be so? The looking-glass, the polished globes of the andirons, the mirror-like water, and all other reflecting surfaces, continually present us with portraits—or, rather, ghosts—of ourselves which we glance at and straightway forget them. But we forget them only because they vanish. It is the idea of duration—of earthly immortality—that gives such a mysterious interest to our own portraits».
Nathaniel Hawthorne (1837).
Margarida que beleza de texto!
ResponderEliminarO reflexo, a miragem da água, do globo polido,... são tudo belas imagens de escrita.
O retrato é belíssimo, tranquilo, apazigador e haveria mais adjectivos para exprimir a sensação que ele transmite.
Obrigada por este momento!
Bom Domingo. :)
Obrigada Ana! Boa semana!
ResponderEliminarA ideia da mortalidade...concordo! :-)