terça-feira, 22 de setembro de 2015

Arte & Ciência

Jan van Eyck, The Ince Hall Madonna (The Virgin and Child Reading) (1433, The National Gallery, Melbourne)
Peter Paul Rubens, Virgin and Child (1624-1625, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, Gemäldegalerie, Berlin)
«For it is reliably known, that the great Rubens, and his predecessor Van Eyck, both Flemish artists, most assiduously studied chemistry in Germany before they applied themselves to painting; and that, to a great extent, the brilliancy of their colours was owing to their extensive knowledge of that science.»
D. Laurent de Lara, Elementary Instruction in The Art of Illuminating and Missal Painting on Vellum, A Guide to Modern Illuminators, London, 1863, J, Weitheimer and Co., p. 31.

2 comentários:

  1. Achei graça à citação.
    Realmente a arte e a ciência caminham a par e passo.
    As duas pinturas são lindas, mas confesso que gosto mais do primeiro pintor.
    Beijinho. :))

  2. Também gosto mais de Van Eyck. Beijinhos, Ana!
