terça-feira, 1 de dezembro de 2015

Subjectividade I

Helene Schjerfbeck, Naisprofiili (1884)
«Being too busy has this result: that an individual very, very rarely is permitted to form a heart; on the other hand, the thinker, the poet, or the religious personality who actually has formed his heart, will never be popular, not because he is difficult, but because it demands quiet and prolonged working with oneself and intimate knowledge of oneself as well as a certain isolation.»

2 comentários:

  1. Palavras de sabedoria: inteiramente de acordo.
    E o quadro enganou-me, que até me pareceu de Columbano..:-)
    Boa tarde ou, quase, noite!

  2. APS - Concordo inteiramente consigo. Quanto ao quadro aconteceu-me o mesmo exactamente. Bom dia! :-)
