terça-feira, 12 de setembro de 2017

Fotografia: Candida Höfer

Descobri outro dia esta fotógrafa alemã, nascida em 1944, e gostei muito da obra dela:
«Gli spazi parlano delle persone»

Imagens retiradas do artigo «Gli ambienti interni di Candida Höfer»
“To me these spaces have their own character and vitality, revealing in their displays the layers of time and the experiences through which they have come to be what they are, and they seem to resist such changes….I probably emphasize a sort of ‘permanent process of negotiation’ between space and its uses over time, but also more basically between light and space.”
Candida Höfer (2009) citada no artigo «Spaces: Photographs by Candida Höfer and Thomas Struth, June 12 – September 5, 2011», Sterling and Francine Clark Art Institute, Williamstown.
Sobre a artista ver, por exemplo: Ben Brown Fine Arts.

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